Structures That Manage Turbulent Forces



 What is the Virtual Design Lab?

This practicum is designed to allow participants to dive deep into the biomimicry tools and resources presented during the program and to apply them selectively to a specific and unique opportunity of the student's choosing. Projects have a meaningful outcome achievable within the semester, and engage the scoping, discovering, creating and evaluating phases of biomimicry thinking. Deliverables are milestone based, and the final deliverable has an application in a real-world setting.

My Project Description

This project builds upon an idea from a previous class that focused on solutions for housing in oceanic storm prone areas. The design needed to be able to Prevent Structural Failure and Manage Turbulence imposed by hurricane forces. The aim was to find a solution that allows for a pleasing architectural aesthetic that maximizes the amount of enjoyable living space, while maintaining the structural requirements to hold up to hurricane forces. The solution needed mitigate the amount of damage caused by turbulence and differential pressure, as well as, strengthening or repositioning points of breach susceptibility. After assessing organisms that exhibited the functions of Preventing Structural Failure and Managing Turbulence, the Saguaro Cactus was chosen as the inspired natural champion. Due to the cacti's ability to withstand Reynolds number of up to 10^6 power while maintaining a high stature and shallow root system. This is do to the cacti's ribbing structure that managed turbulent flows by inducing vortices within the cavities resulting in negative drag. The angles of the Saguaro's cavities were emulated and scaled to the size of market comparables that have the highest consumer demand.


I learned several subjects that I was not familiar with prior to this process. I dabbled in physics; a subject that I have never studied before (only recreationally). Opening me up to the fascinating world of fluid dynamics, which later aided in me in future class. Additionally, I taught myself trigonometry, which was honestly the most exciting lesson of this experience. I have not taken a math class in many years and it was wonderful to learn something new. I forgot how much fun math is and how it allows you to build and create such interesting and amazing things.